Publications and Presentations

Technical Articles

TJ Gaydos. Achieving success with coccidiosis vaccination in antibiotic-free systems. Modern Poultry. July 2023

TJ Gaydos. Nutrition and Feeding in ABF Production. EW Nutrition. October 2021

TJ Gaydos. Necrotic Enteritis Control for ABF Poultry Production. EW Nutrition. October 2021. 


Peer Reviewed Publications

S. Hurst-Proctor, R. M. Fulton, T. Gaydos. Egg Drop Syndrome 76 in a U.S. Broiler Breeder Flock Avian Diseases (2024)

P.T. Price, T. Gaydos, H. Legendre, J. Krehling, K. Macklin, J.C. Padgett. Production Layer Salmonella Enteritidis Control through Dry Fed Pre & Probiotic Products. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science [online]. 2021, v. 23, n. 02, eRBCA-2020-1418. 

Lucas A. Krueger, T. Gaydos, Michael D. Sims, David A. Spangler. Avi-Lution supplemented at 250 or 500 mg per kg in feed decreases the abundance of Salmonella Enteritidis in ceca of layer pullets. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 2020

Paul T. Price, T. Gaydos, Roy D. Berghaus, Virginia Baxter, Charles L. Hofacre and Michael D. Sims. Salmonella Enteritidis Reduction in Layer Ceca with a Bacillus Probiotic. Veterinary World, 13(1): 184-187 published 25-01-2020

P.T. Price, T. Gaydos, J.C. Padgett, K. Gardner and C. Bailey. Salmonella Colonization of Production Hens Fed a Parietal Yeast Fraction with High Levels of Mannan and Beta-Glucan. International Journal of Poultry Science. 2019:18(9) 410-415.

M. Hashim, H. Leyva-Jimenez, M. N. Al-Ajeeli ,Y. Jammal Jameel, T. Gaydos, C.A. Bailey. Performance of broilers fed diets supplemented with two yeast cell wall strains using two feeding strategies. Veterinary Medicine and Science. 2019: 5(3) 435-441.

G. Kiros, T. Gaydos, J. Corley, R. Raspoet, R. Berghaus, C. Hofacre; Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast products in reducing direct colonization and horizontal transmission of Salmonella Heidelberg in broilers. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 2019:8(1) 23–30.

P.T. Price, T. Gaydos, R. Berghaus and C. Hofacre, 2020. Reduction of Salmonella Enteritidis colonization in production layers fed high levels of mannan and beta-glucan. Asian J. Poult. Sci., 14: 1-5

Nava-Trujillo, H., Quintero-Moreno, A., Hernandez-Fernandez, A., Vilchez-Siu, V., Osorio-Melendez, C., Rubio-Guillen, J.,Gonzalez-Villalobos, D., Finol-Parra, G. Effect of the Chromatin Integrity on Bull Sperm Head Morphometry. Published Article at the Revista Cientifica. FCV-LUZ / Vol.XXIII, Numero 1, 67-72,2013.

Nava-Trujillo, H., Quintero-Moreno, A., Finol-Parra, G., Vilchez-Siu, V., Osorio-Melendez, C., Rubio- Guillen, J,. Valeris, R. Relationship among damaged chromatin, motility and viability in cryopre- served spermatozoa from Brahman. Published Article in the Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuar- ia, 24:116-122,2011.

Venuslira, Vilchez-Siu., Hugo, Hernandez-Fonseca. Spermatic protein and Immunologic techniques used to evaluate Bull spermatic quality. (Eds). Ediciones Astro Data, S.A. Maracaibo, Venezuela. Pp 175-183, 2010.


Poster and Oral Presentations

Hurst-Proctor, S., Gaydos, T., Fletcher, O. Neurologic Signs in Broilers Associated with Myopathy Lesions. Presented at AAAP. July 2024.

Gaydos, Thomas., Hurst-Proctor, S., Sitthicharoenchai, P. Increased Incidence of Rickets in Broilers and Thin Eggshells in Broiler Breeders. Presented at AAAP. July 2024

T. Gaydos. Start Your Chicks Off Right: Good Starts Help Achieve a Good Finish. Presented at MAPI Winter Poultry Seminar. February 15, 2024

Sabrina Hurst-Proctor, Richard M. Fulton, Thomas A. Gaydos Jr.  Egg Drop Syndrome in Broiler Breeders in the United States. Presented at AAAP. June 13, 2023

Thomas GaydosSabrina Hurst-Proctor, Susan Williams. Clostridial Infection of the Proventriculus and Ventriculus in Broiler Breeder Pullets. Poster presented at AAAP. June 2023

T. Gaydos. Oxidative stress and animal health. (abstract 107) Presented at Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals.  November 2019. 

T.G. Kiros, T. Gaydos, J. Corley, A. Riggi, R. Raspoet, R. Berghaus, C. Hofacre. Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast products in reducing direct colonization and horizontal transmission of Salmonella Heidelberg in broilers. Poster 3.37 presented at ESPN 2019.          

T. Gaydos, T. Kiros, A. Riggi, R. Raspoet, E. Auclair, D. Hooge, M. Sims. Performance of broilers fed diets supplemented with an experimental direct-fed microbial in the presence of a moderate necrotic enteritis challenge. Poster 3.24 presented at ESPN 2019.

Hofacre, R. Berghaus, T. Kiros, T. Gaydos, R. Raspoet, J. Corley. The effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast products in reducing direct colonization and horizontal transmission of Salmonella Heidelberg in broilers. Abstract M36-Presented at SCAD 2018.

Morouj Al-Ajeeli, Shawna M. Peer, Raghad A. Abdaljaleel, Mohammed M. Hashim, Hector E. Leyva-Jimenez, T. Gaydos, Giridhar Athrey, Christopher A. Bailey. Evaluation of a yeast cell wall product in soybean and soybean free diets using Hy-line Brown layers. Presented at Poultry Science July 2017

Introduction to Poultry Respiratory Disease
Presented at Midwest Veterinary Conference. February 2017

Introduction to Poultry Intestinal Disease
Presented at Midwest Veterinary Conference. February 2017

Raghad Abdaljaleel, T. Gaydos, Morouj Al-Ajeeli, Hector Leyva-Jimenez, Yansoon AL-Jumaa, Christopher Bailey.  Evaluating the effect of yeast cell wall supplementation on ideal threonine to lysine ratios in broilers as measured by performance, intestinal mucin secretion, morphology, and goblet cell number. Abstract M75 presented at SCAD 2017.

Morouj Al-Ajeeli, T. Gaydos, Raghad Abdaljaleel, Hector Leyva-Jimenez, Jimmie Corley, Christopher Bailey. Evaluation of Safmannan on full term broiler performance with coccidiosis vaccinated broilers on used litter. Abstract M108 presented at SCAD 2017.

A Laboratory Manual for the Isolation, Identification, and Characterization of Avian Pathogens. Sixth edition. 2016. Contributing Author

Tina Yun-Ting Wang, Marilynn Finklin, Charles Hofacre, Greg Mathis, Ben Johnson, T. Gaydos. Evaluation of the efficacy of different coccidiosis bioshuttle program and dietary capsicum turmeric oleoresins as an alternative to AGPs on performance in broilers. Presented at SCAD 2016.

Gaydos, T., Singer, R., Berghaus, R., Baxter, V., Hofacre, C. A pilot study evaluating the level of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella and Campylobacter isolated from poultry farms.

Presented at the International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance (IMED). November 1, 2014

Gaydos, T., Hofacre, C., Singer, R., Berghaus, R., Baxter, V., McDermott, P. National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) on the Farm for Poultry: Mid-Project Update. Presented at AVMA/AAAP. July 29, 2014

Gaydos, T., Tilley, S., Dale, E., Hofacre, C., Smith, J. On Farm Evaluation of Hatchery Induced Lameness in Commercial BroilersPresented at The Emerald Coast Veterinary Conference. June 21, 2014

Gaydos, T., Hofacre, C., Singer, R., Berghaus, R., Baxter, V., McDermott, P. National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) on the Farm for Poultry- Pilot Study Results. Presented at the Western Poultry Disease Conference. April 3, 2014

Hernandez-Fonseca, J.P., Hernandez, A, Vilchez, V, Finol, G, Nava-Trujillo, H, Rodriguez, J, Villame- diana, P, Hernandez-Fonseca, H. Correlation of oocyte diameter with the morphologic classification of cumulus– oocysts complexes prevenient of Tropical crossbreed cows. Poster presented at the V Congreso Internacional de Ganadería de Doble Propòsito. Cusco, Peru. October 2007

Venuslira, Vilchez-Siu. Leptospira Biology Update. Oral presentation at the Leptospirosis Update In- tensive Workshop. College of Science Veterinary, University of Zulia (LUZ). Maracaibo, Venezuela. July 2006

Hernandez-Fonseca A, Nava-Trujillo H, Vilchez V. Comparison of two methods of bovine oocytes in vitro. Poster presented at the III Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Reproducción Animal (JONI- RA). Barquisimeto, Venezuela. March 2006

Hernandez-Fonseca A, Nava-Trujillo H, Vilchez V. Comparison of two methods of bovine oocytes for in vitro. Poster presented at the III Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Reproducción Animal (JONIRA). Barquisimeto, Venezuela. March 2006. 


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